Register your trademark to protect your brand
Brand protection in whole of India
There are no hidden charges for us
Use TM on your logo/mark within 24 hours form application date
Trademark / Brand / Logo Registration - A Wise Decision
While establishing a long-term business, it is the first concern of the business owner to protect their brand from duplicity and piracy and build their own brand value over the period of time. If some other one copy your Trademark /Brand/Logo, the copycat gets the benefit of the goodwill that you have created by spending money & effort. Thus Trademark Registration is a crucial step since it provides the owner with a number of legal protections and builds public trust in the brand name. A Trademark that is legally registered has greater possibilities of enhancing and establishing its brand in the marketplace with the time it gains popularity.
Trademark / Brand / Logo Registration - A Right Place Here
Trademark Registration is a very long and complex procedure and involves high chances of rejection.
Here at “MITRA TRADEMARK DESK” we have a team of professional advocates that can make your registration process hassle-free.
Since we are doing all the work related to trademark application filing through online mode, the trademark applicant need not physically visit our office.
Once the trademark registration work is entrusted to us , we will follow up it till you get trademark registration and follow up details will be updated immediately without any time gap.
We have assisted so many business men/ entrepreneurs from Maharashtra to get the Trademark /Brand/Logo Registration
Get Your Trademark Application filed at Ease!
Process your trademark registration requirement with chatbot & human agents on real time in between 9 AM to 6 PM All Working days. Click Here or Submit Contact Form :
Process Of Trademark Registration
1. Government has classified goods and services into different classes for trademark registration. So, first we have to ascertain in which trademark-class your trademark comes. Please see here in which class your trademark comes. Click Here
2. Verify the registrability of your trademark under the trademark law and also do trademark search with Government website to see whether similar trademark exists or not in the trademark class in which your goods and services come. Please Click Here to make a preliminary check about the availability of your trademark.
3. File Trademark application remitting fee. You can track the status of filing the application by entering here the application number given in the challan.
4. Trademark registry verifies your application. If your trade application is not filed properly, the registry will ask to correct and file the application properly. If your trademark application is filed properly, the registry will examine the registrability of your trademark under the trademark law and issue an examination report. If your trademark application is seen registrable under the trademark law, the examination report will show that your trademark application as otherwise, it will be shown as objected.

5. If your trademark application is objected, we have to file reply to the Examination Report stating why we are entitled to get the registration quoting relevant legal provisions and case laws. In some cases, the trademark registry may also call for show cause hearing.
6. Once the trademark application is accepted, it will be published in Trademark Journal for public awareness. If there is no opposition from your competitors against your trademark application within the journal publication period ( ie 90 days from the date of publication), Registrar of Trademarks , Government 0f India will issue registration certificate.
7. Trademark Registration is for 10 years. On every 10th year Trademark Registration is to be renewed.
Our Plans & Pricings
Trademark Registration Pan India
Fast. Easy. Affordable!

Our pricing method for availing services separately / individually
Filing individual trade mark application
Filing reply to examination report
Representation before Registrar of Trademarks ( By Video Conference )
(i) The plans are applicable only for individual applicants.
(ii) Opposition matters are not included in the plans.
How Do We Help You?
1. Tell us the proposed trademark and the goods or services for which the proposed trademark is intended to use.
2. We verify the registrability under the trademark law and also do trademark search with government website to see whether similar trademark exists or not.
3. Provide the other details / docs needed for trademark registration.
4. We prepare and send by email / WhatsApp or through chat , draft of the authorization ( Form TM-M) and if required, user affidavit ( to claim priority of usage). You sign the Authorization and return us. User affidavit ( in required cases ) to be notarized and return us.
5. Make the payment of fee through online mode. On getting the payment we issue receipt of the payment.
6. We submits your application with the Trademark Registry and get acknowledgement. Thereafter, We will share you Government receipt and copy of the application for your reference and record. We will also advice how to track your application.
7. You can track the status of filing the application by entering here the application number given in the challan. Click Here

Tradmark RegistrationPan India Fast. Easy. Affordable!
We also Do
- UDYAM Registration
- Import Export Code
- Private Limited Company
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- Partnership Firm
- Society / Trust / NGO Registration
Our Pricing Method
Filing Individual trade mark application
Filing reply to examination report
Representation before Registrar of Trade Marks, Chennai (By Video Conference)
(i) The plans are applicable only for individual applicants.
(ii) Opposition Matters are not included in the plans.
How We Work

Call Us/ Submit Enquiry Form

We E-mail/ Whatsapp The Doc Need

You Provides Docs through E-mail/ Whatsapp

Make The Payment